Successful Launch for New Optima Website
7 July 2022: New Website Report
Since launching our new website on 24 June, Google Analytics on www.optimasitesolutions.com shows that traffic is up by over 100% on the 2021.
The website's SEO rating with SEObility is sitting at 82% and we are always working to make ongoing improvements.
Launching Optima's brand new website has resulted in an improvement in search engine performance results which exceeded the expectations of both Optima's marketing team and the company who made it for us.
Today and for the past week or so, Optima Site Solutions shows at the much-coveted position one in Google search engine result pages for the word 'Optima' alone and is performing very well on Google for search terms such as 'scaffolding recruitment' (organic position number two, above Indeed and just below ScaffMag). Prior to the 24th of June, our website was not on the first page of results in Google for this single word search. Optima Site Solutions is currently at position 7 for 'Optima' on Bing in the UK also, showing the search-appeal of our new website.
Along with successful marketing activities including social posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; SEO has improved the flow of traffic to the all-new www.optimasitesolutions.com
Follow Optima Site Solutions on LinkedIn / Facebook / Instagram to see how we progress in recruitment marketing.
Update 5 August 2022:
Unique page views for July (from Google Analytics):
2021: 2,127
2022: 6,050 (increase of 184% on 2021)